#AND1781BST PurdyElectronics AND1781BST New LCD MODULE 180mm x 65mm Logic Voltage:5V, AND1781BST pictures, AND1781BST price, #AND1781BST supplier
Email: sales@shunlongwei.com
Email: sales@shunlongwei.com
AND1781BST PurdyElectronics
Feature a +150 maximum operating temperature and offer reliaility for extreme temperature and under the hood applications.
Resolution:240 x 64;
Display Appearance:White on Blue;
Logic Voltage:5V;
Interface Type:Parallel;
Font Set:English, Japanese;
Display Mode:Transmissive;
LCD Display Type:BSTN;
Module Size:180mm x 65mm;
RoHS Compliant: Yes
AND1781BST inverter, AND1781BST power supply, AND1781BST electronic board, AND1781BST VGA board, AND1781BST touchscreen available.
Feature a +150 maximum operating temperature and offer reliaility for extreme temperature and under the hood applications.
Resolution:240 x 64;
Display Appearance:White on Blue;
Logic Voltage:5V;
Interface Type:Parallel;
Font Set:English, Japanese;
Display Mode:Transmissive;
LCD Display Type:BSTN;
Module Size:180mm x 65mm;
RoHS Compliant: Yes
AND1781BST inverter, AND1781BST power supply, AND1781BST electronic board, AND1781BST VGA board, AND1781BST touchscreen available.