#ADS8332IBRGET TI ADS8332IBRGET New Analog to Digital Converters - ADC 2.7-5.5V 16B 500KSPS Lo Pwr Ser ADC , ADS8332IBRGET pictures, ADS8332IBRGET price, #ADS8332IBRGET supplier
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Manufacturer: Texas Instrument
Product Category: Analog to Digital Converters - ADC 
RoHS:  Details  
Series: ADS8332 
Mounting Style: SMD/SMT 
Package / Case: VQFN-24 
Resolution: 16 bit 
Number of Channels: 8 Channel 
Sampling Rate: 500 kS/s 
Input Type: Pseudo-Differential 
Interface Type: Serial, SPI 
Architecture: SAR 
Reference Type: External 
Analog Supply Voltage: 2.7 V to 5.5 V 
Digital Supply Voltage: 1.65 V to 5.5 V 
SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio: 91 dB 
Minimum Operating Temperature: - 40 C 
Maximum Operating Temperature: + 85 C 
Packaging: Cut Tape 
Packaging: MouseReel 
Packaging: Reel

Analog to Digital Converters - ADC 2.7-5.5V 16B 500KSPS Lo Pwr Ser ADC