Infineon FF450R17ME4_B11

Infineon FF450R17ME4_B11
#FF450R17ME4_B11 Infineon FF450R17ME4_B11 New EconoDUAL™3 module with trench/fieldstop IGBT³ and Emitter Controlled 3 diode and NTC, FF450R17ME4_B11 pictures, FF450R17ME4_B11 price, #FF450R17ME4_B11 supplier

FF450R17ME4_B11 Datasheet
Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung Collector-emittervoltage Tvj = 25°C VCES 1700 V 
Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom ContinuousDCcollectorcurrent TC = 80°C, Tvj max = 150°C TC = 25°C, Tvj max = 150°C IC nom IC 450A~605A
PeriodischerKollektor-Spitzenstrom Repetitivepeakcollectorcurrent tP = 1 ms ICRM 900A
Gesamt-Verlustleistung Totalpowerdissipation TC = 25°C, Tvj max = 150 Ptot 2250W
Gate-Emitter-Spitzenspannung Gate-emitterpeakvoltage VGES +/-20V
TemperaturimSchaltbetrieb Temperatureunderswitchingconditions Tvj op -40~125 °C
PeriodischeSpitzensperrspannung Repetitivepeakreversevoltage Tvj = 25°C VRRM 1700 V
Dauergleichstrom ContinuousDCforwardcurrent IF 450 A
PeriodischerSpitzenstrom Repetitivepeakforwardcurrent tP = 1 ms IFRM 900 A
Grenzlastintegral I²t-value VR = 0 V, tP = 10 ms, Tvj = 125°C I²t 20000 A²s

EconoDUAL™3 module with trench/fieldstop IGBT³ and Emitter Controlled 3 diode and NTC