#2MBI450U4N-120-50 Fuji 2MBI450U4N-120-50 New Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor 600A IC 1200V VCES N-Channel, 2MBI450U4N-120-50 pictures, 2MBI450U4N-120-50 price, #2MBI450U4N-120-50 supplier
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2mbi450u4n-120-50 Datasheet
Inverter for Motor Drive
AC and DC Servo Drive Amplifier
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Industrial machines, such as Welding machines
Maximum ratings and characteristics
.Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified)
Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:1200V
Gate-Emitter voltage VGES:±20V
Collector current Ic:450A
Collector current Icp:600A
Collector power dissipation Pc:2080W
Collector-Emitter voltage VCES:1200V
Operating junction temperature Tj:+150°C
Storage temperature Tstg :-40 to +125°C
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor 600A IC 1200V VCES N-Channel