Introduction to Five Misunderstandings of Car Washing in Summer

When it comes to car washing, many people's ** reaction is, who can't do it! Indeed, car washing is a trivial matter, without much technical content. But what I want to say is that there are still many details that need to be paid attention to when washing a car. If you don’t pay attention to it, it may damage the car. Next, let’s talk about some misunderstandings that need to be avoided when washing a car in summer.

◆Washing powder car wash

Damaged car index: ★★★★★

** One misunderstanding that needs to be avoided is the choice of detergent. Many car owners will not buy professional car cleaners when washing their cars, but choose to use daily cleaning supplies instead. In fact, this is a very bad habit. Because the pH of these daily cleaning products is different, they are very corrosive to the paint surface of the car.

◆Directly spray with high pressure water gun/wipe with cloth

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Many car owners wash their cars. The first step will choose to wash the car with a high-pressure water gun, and then slowly scrub. In fact, this is also a misunderstanding of car washing. Because, after a period of driving, dust or small particles will adhere to the surface of the car. If, before washing the car, you don’t need to rinse these off with clean water, but directly spray it with a high-pressure water gun or wipe it with a rag, these dust particles will make a “friction movement” on the paint surface of the car, damaging the paint surface of the car body.

◆Car washing in strong sunlight

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The reason why you don't wash your car under the scorching sun is because after the car has been exposed to the sun, splashing cold water on it will damage the body paint. Moreover, when the car is washed under the scorching sun, the water droplets on the car will form a convex lens effect, causing the upper layer of the car paint to produce a local high temperature phenomenon. Over time, the car paint will lose its luster. Therefore, the summer car wash must choose to be shaded or the sun is not big in the morning and evening.

◆No car washing in rainy season

Damaged car index: ★★★★

In the rainy season, many car owners are reluctant to wash their cars, thinking that the rain has washed their cars clean and there is no need to wash them again. In fact, these ideas are all wrong. Because rain water is acidic, if the car is not washed as soon as possible, the light rain will corrode the paint surface and even the car chassis will cause vehicle failure.

◆Frequent car wash

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It's no good to do more than anything, and the same is true for car washes. If the car is washed too frequently, it will greatly accelerate the oxidation of the paint surface, which will cause the paint surface to be dull and lose its luster. For the car wash cycle, it is generally appropriate to choose to wash it once a week.

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