Several companies are convinced that the Detroit auto plant will start selling models equipped with real-time traffic reporting devices at the end of 2001. General Motors and other automakers said that problems with the provision of traffic information have forced them to postpone the launch of the product. The era of calculating the distance in the car has arrived. Alerts and location information will be automatically sent to.
But it is certain that the realization of all this will not be a distant dream. actually. Technologies related to this project have been partially integrated into the automotive industry, such as navigation systems and collision avoidance systems. Looking at the major achievements in automotive technology in recent decades, almost without exception are the results of the application of electronic technology, and since the 1980s. Great progress in the automotive industry. It is also realized by electronic technology (especially computer and integrated circuit technology). The use of electronic technology is the best solution to many technical problems faced by automobiles.
Therefore, the level of a country’s electronics industry and its application in the automotive industry determine whether it can take the initiative in the future competition in the world automotive industry. China will accelerate the development of intelligent transportation technology. At present, most of the application of electronic technology in domestic automobiles is still in its infancy. There are only a few manufacturers. The electronic devices that are mainly used in some Sino-foreign joint venture cars mainly include engine fuel injection, electronic ignition control, airbags, ABS and other fields in terms of automobile safety. And most of them are assembled directly from foreign products.
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Link to this article:The development status of domestic electronic products
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